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Scientist believes Covid 19 came out of a US lab of biotechnology

Most serious scientists or anyone with good brain already know c19 is from usa long ago.

Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns​

Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.

By Denise Grady
Aug. 5, 2019
Safety concerns at a prominent military germ lab have led the government to shut down research involving dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus........

The statement said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a “cease and desist order” last month to halt the research at Fort Detrick because the center did not have “sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater” from its highest-security labs............................

By Carissa DiMargo and Julie Carey, Northern Virginia Bureau Chief • Published July 17, 2019 • Updated on July 18, 2019 at 1:50 pm​

Fairfax County health officials said they don't yet have a cause of the respiratory illness that sicked more than 60 residents at a Northern Virginia senior living community..........................

Health officials said last week what was striking about the outbreak was the number of residents impacted and the time of year — summer instead of winter, when flu and respiratory illness usually spread......................

The health department has sent several samples from infected patients to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for testing, but no cause for the outbreak has been identified, Schwartz said.

The health department is continuing to work with the facility on the investigation, he said. Testing for Legionnaires disease was negative, he said............................
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Safety concerns at a prominent military germ lab have led the government to shut down research involving dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus........

And what does this have to do with Covid-19, or the false claim in the title of this thread?
usa own study of random blood samples from Dec 2019 shows about 1.4% had c19 antibodies. Note antibodies take weeks to form after infection.
Meaning around Dec 2019, usa already had close to 5 millions c19 cases.

Coronavirus Was In U.S. Weeks Earlier Than Previously Known, Study Says​

December 1, 20202:50 AM ET

However, new findings published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases suggest that the coronavirus, known officially as SARS-CoV-2, had infected people in the U.S. even earlier.

"SARS-CoV-2 infections may have been present in the U.S. in December 2019, earlier than previously recognized," the authors said.

Researchers came to this conclusion after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed blood donations collected by the American Red Cross from residents in nine states. They found evidence of coronavirus antibodies in 106 out of 7,389 blood donations. The CDC analyzed the blood collected between Dec. 13 and Jan. 17.

The presence of antibodies in a person's blood means they were exposed to a virus, in this case the coronavirus, and that their body's immune system triggered a defensive response.
This offers something on the topic:

What a dilemma. On one hand covid antibodies tests showed usa had close to 5 mil cases in Dec 19, actual fort detrick leaks & americans dropping like flies from mystery respiratory illness in 2019 second half.
Chairman of Lancet covid commission says from usa lab.

On the other hand, daily mail says a nameless official told them Tedros told him it was from Wuhan. lol
Oh, I forgot, 007 & 'I lie, I cheat, I steal' cia also said they know someone in Wuhan who told them they saw someone coughing. lmao.
lol, lying seems to come very naturally for the west.
Are they taught to lie in school or just born that way ?

The World Health Organisation told Yahoo News Australia Dr Tedros "completely refutes" the Mail on Sunday story.

"Dr Tedros has not made any such statement publicly or privately and continues to believe that all hypotheses are on the table and should be followed up by scientists," it said.

Mr Wang went on to once again to point the finger at the US, calling for further investigation into "highly suspicious" activity at several American labs..............................
Were they ever able to get in to those US bio labs in Ukraine? I think UN needs to check every US funded lab in the world.
French Nobel prize winning scientist said it's man made. Old news.
That’s 20 seconds of my life you wasted. 2 reading the tweet, 10 writing this crap— and 8 thinking of all the decisions I made in my life leading me to read yet another stupid conspiracy theory.
That’s 20 seconds of my life you wasted. 2 reading the tweet, 10 writing this crap— and 8 thinking of all the decisions I made in my life leading me to read yet another stupid conspiracy theory.
By far india is screwed hardest by covid, with more than 6 mil deaths, yet they work hardest to defend their master usa for causing covid.

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