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Towards a new & Improved Fauj

Musey, you are now clearly fooling around.

There's only one thing i am going to say and then i am done; Audits are not a 'unique' thing, every institution, business enterprise, company, organization (governmental and private) have them. So, i would worry about audits if the objections thereof are not paid back. Till the time these raised objections are settled and paid back, there isnt any problem, and that's why i asked if you have job, because to me it seems, you have never experienced an audit in your life, because if you had, you would never hjave posted the stupid news at the first place and further, argued about it.

P.S. And the way santro thanks you, make me wonder if he has any idea about audits.

i wish if Sir Zahid can show the same 'uprightness' regarding PSEs and our bureaucracy. i know he wont, because the aim was not to critique but to malign.
Q:Whn'll the drone attacks stop?
A(by CoAir Staff):Whn you'll order us to do so.
Epic Face-palm!

Isn't this the same as the navy pointing fingers at the PAF for the security failure in the Mehraan attack?

Is the job done by shifting the blame to the GOP? Who was ruling when the drone attacks started? Who controls the bases from where the drone fly?

Doe GOP also control the nukes? Does it even know the numbers?

If no, the PA decides what powers it will keep with itself and what blame it will pass onto the GOP?

This brazen attitude in the face of all round failures, corruption, bringing Pakistan to the current sorry state where its survival is at stake and refusing to change the failed policies despite all is amusing but not funny at all.

Such people can never evolve (as Bharat Verma mentioned to Hamid Gul in one face off), they will either take the country down with them or will be ousted while there is still time, if the country is lucky.
^^A classic example of "Attention-Seeking Personality Disorder/Histrionic Personality Disorder"

Gosh, Vinod!
show the same 'uprightness' regarding PSEs and our bureaucracy. i know he wont, because the aim was not to critique but to malign.

Lo ji kar lo gal - First audits mean nothing and now you want audits of the PSE to mean nothing as well?? Will that be upright enough for you??

You say the aim is not to criticize but malign? You mean like the pot calling the kettle, black?? hain ji?

Army and armed forces are just institutions of the government, they are not the government, Pak Faujis would do well to internalize this reality - that uniform comes with the oath to be loyal to legitimate government of Pakistan -
Better than a bharti obsessed with Pakistan the age old inferiority complex ridden indian. I pity you. :)

I know you mugged this hard in your Madressa, probably bobbing your head up and down 10000 times while repeating this.

I pity you and your ilk, I really do.
I know you mugged this hard in your Madressa, probably bobbing your head up and down 10000 times while repeating this.

I pity you and your ilk, I really do.

You make assumptions that your intellect cannot cash, all I see in you is an inferiority complex ridden - self hating indian - nothing more, nothing less ;)
You make assumptions that your intellect cannot cash, all I see in you is an inferiority complex ridden - self hating indian - nothing more, nothing less ;)

A self hating convert with no identity and running all over to find an identity (and still not treated as first class by those who converted you), talking of "self hate" and "inferiority complex" is really funny.

You and your ilk is the very definition of these words as far as I can see.
The ways to improve the military is the present situation when we dont have long drawn out wars and the eventuality is unlikely at best is to focus on LIC or low intensity conflict which has more significance in the present situation of Pakistan, i am not saying that employment of purely LIC is the solution we should raise a few LIC brigade with mission specific weapons the sole purpose of which would be to deal with LIC, this would stop the clash between traditional HIC and LIC training and make the military more efficent against the terrorists.....
The ways to improve the military is the present situation when we dont have long drawn out wars and the eventuality is unlikely at best is to focus on LIC or low intensity conflict which has more significance in the present situation of Pakistan, i am not saying that employment of purely LIC is the solution we should raise a few LIC brigade with mission specific weapons the sole purpose of which would be to deal with LIC, this would stop the clash between traditional HIC and LIC training and make the military more efficent against the terrorists.....

The proposal is an old one. It has already been discussed here and also in other spheres including the military. But the sheer lack of resources and doesnt allow this suggestion to work. Alternatively, actions have been taken to enhance FC's efficiency and at the same time train our Police to do the job. A recent announcement where FC will take over the situation in FATA bears testimony.
A self hating convert with no identity and running all over to find an identity (and still not treated as first class by those who converted you), talking of "self hate" and "inferiority complex" is really funny.

You and your ilk is the very definition of these words as far as I can see.

Convert, sonny - my Jatt clan have been Muslims for generation's - it's your obsession with all things Pakistani that is running out of control, get this into your head you inferiority complex ridden indian.
Isn't this the same as the navy pointing fingers at the PAF for the security failure in the Mehraan attack?

Is the job done by shifting the blame to the GOP? Who was ruling when the drone attacks started? Who controls the bases from where the drone fly?

Doe GOP also control the nukes? Does it even know the numbers?

If no, the PA decides what powers it will keep with itself and what blame it will pass onto the GOP?

This brazen attitude in the face of all round failures, corruption, bringing Pakistan to the current sorry state where its survival is at stake and refusing to change the failed policies despite all is amusing but not funny at all.

Such people can never evolve (as Bharat Verma mentioned to Hamid Gul in one face off), they will either take the country down with them or will be ousted while there is still time, if the country is lucky.

We are discussing our military issues here kiddo, and u budge here with your out of context discussion? Open another thread with same post and we will discuss there. Who is controlling the nukes? until then don't start your Pakistan is going to be doomed crap here and ruin this whole thread, if you want to discuss open another thread, until then, keep your nose out of our matters. Thankyou
Convert, sonny - my Jatt clan have been Muslims for generation's - it's your obsession with all things Pakistani that is running out of control, get this into your head you inferiority complex ridden indian.

It has still not helped apparently. You still don't have your identity and still are ridden with the "inferiority complex".

You still need to prove to yourself that it was the right thing to do. And to those who converted you that you were fit enough.

An unending quest!

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