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Muslims in India accused of 'corona jihad' | DW Report


Since you're on the ground and have a lot more intel then outsiders like us. But what you're painting is a very bleak picture which makes it seem that communal violence is all but guaranteed between Hindus and Muslims.

Though from your posts the Hindus have done a fantastic job in isolating and containing Muslims around the country. The fact of the matter is 200 Million is a big number, and vast majority of them are dirt poor due to the discrimination policies of the majority Hindu population. While the rich Muslims(few in numbers) are assimilated into the Indian society, the poor are not and they will have nothing to lose but to fight. They may not have fire arms, but knives/bricks can do a lot of damage.

There will be clashes.

And those will end badly for Muslims.

The days of equal fatality Hindu Muslim riots are now gone.

All riots in the past 30 years, state machinery has been used against them, and Hindu forces have crossed state and local area lines to blister forces.

The same is prevented logistically for the Muslims by road blocks and access control valves.

The idea is to have sharp short reprisals and crush them to a level they will not repeat again.

And it has worked.

Like what China did to India in 1962.

Eventually the Muslims will find themselves faced with the same Kashmir stalemate.

In that sense what happens now to the 9 million in Kashmir will be a pilot for the larger 200 million.

Over the next 10-20 years.
There will be clashes.

And those will end badly for Muslims.

The days of equal fatality Hindu Muslim riots are now gone.

All riots in the past 30 years, state machinery has been used against them, and Hindu forces have crossed state and local area lines to blister forces.

The same is prevented logistically for the Muslims by road blocks and access control valves.

The idea is to have sharp short reprisals and crush them to a level they will not repeat again.

And it has worked.

Like what China did to India in 1962.

Eventually the Muslims will find themselves faced with the same Kashmir stalemate.

In that sense what happens now to the 9 million in Kashmir will be a pilot for the larger 200 million.

Over the next 10-20 years.

Theek hae. Doctor Sahib: Mootar main say machhiyan pakarhtay raho.:lol:
Theek hae. Doctor Sahib: Mootar main say machhiyan pakarhtay raho.:lol:

Again mootar.

Prostate dadoo?


Excellent point, which these delusional Hindutvadis are not realizing. Muslims have the potential to totally destruct India, if a true civil war ensued.

Hindus broke their gun arm when they destroyed the underworld in Mumbai.

Those targeted killings, encounter specialists and the Mumbai riots is what actually broke the back of near equal Muslim power in India.

Gujarat would not have happened with a functioning Muslim underworld.

That was also Pakistan's last throw of the dice.

Dawood in Karachi is a liability.

Dawood in Mumbai was an asset.
Excellent point, which these delusional Hindutvadis are not realizing. Muslims have the potential to totally destruct India, if a true civil war ensued.

Its potentially dangerous for us as well. Millions of refugees on our Eastern borders, that's a recipe for our own collapse. We are still bearing the brunt of hosting 4 million Afghans.

There will be clashes.

And those will end badly for Muslims.

The days of equal fatality Hindu Muslim riots are now gone.

All riots in the past 30 years, state machinery has been used against them, and Hindu forces have crossed state and local area lines to blister forces.

The same is prevented logistically for the Muslims by road blocks and access control valves.

The idea is to have sharp short reprisals and crush them to a level they will not repeat again.

And it has worked.

Like what China did to India in 1962.

Eventually the Muslims will find themselves faced with the same Kashmir stalemate.

In that sense what happens now to the 9 million in Kashmir will be a pilot for the larger 200 million.

Over the next 10-20 years.

Those are some great points. Thanks for sharing that.

I guess a lot also depends how many arms flow to the Muslim Groups within India who would fight for Muslim rights.
Again mootar.

Prostate dadoo?


Hindus broke their gun arm when they destroyed the underworld in Mumbai.

Those targeted killings, encounter specialists and the Mumbai riots is what actually broke the back of near equal Muslim power in India.

Gujarat would not have happened with a functioning Muslim underworld.

That was also Pakistan's last throw of the dice.

Dawood in Karachi is a liability.

Dawood in Mumbai was an asset.

Refer again to my previous post on mootar, Hindutvadi Kachhukummay.:lol:
Nobody is blaming muslims for corona jihad
We are only blaming Tablighi jamaat for corona jihad
That's because their members are responsible for spreading the virus across 17 states and infecting more than 4000 people while responsible for death of another 150
We are also arresting only those Malaysians and Indonesians , who attended the jamaat event, because their is a 50% chance that they are infected

And Malaysia is not carrying out repatriation flights to take them back
Its potentially dangerous for us as well. Millions of refugees on our Eastern borders, that's a recipe for our own collapse. We are still bearing the brunt of hosting 4 million Afghans.

I don't think that it would happen that way. A regular devastating war would ensue between India and Pakistan, at very initial stages of any such exodus and that would perhaps be end of this whole subcontinent, as it is now.
@SIPRA @Mentee @PakSword @StormBreaker @notorious_eagle @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh

It is rather amusing.... so put it politely... but the good Indians have gone bonkers.... LoveJihad, LandJihad, CoronaJihad, DoronaJihad, LanguageJihad, CutlureJihad.... forgot how many types these good Indians have invented so far...

But I do fear that if the good Indians keep on with such Indianness...then Jihand e Hind might become actual reality... kinda Self Fulfilling Prophecy....

Why cann't these people realise what they are doing is actually Asking for Gazwa e Hind by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan themselves....

Where is Oh I See ...to help address such issues.... never mind!
You are too obsessed with indians these days...
Not good for mental health buddy...
Tiresome... Depressing... Not worthy of attention
I don't think that it would happen that way. A regular devastating war would ensue between India and Pakistan, at very initial stages of any such exodus and that would perhaps be end of this whole subcontinent, as it is now.

I said the same thing elsewhere.
Where is Oh I See ...to help address such issues.... never mind!

They are prolly busy drawing plans on where to get randis and booze in the middle of this pandemic.

You are too obsessed with indians these days...
Not good for mental health buddy...
Tiresome... Depressing... Not worthy of attention
Let him speak his heart out. The truth always sets you free
@SIPRA @Mentee @PakSword @StormBreaker @notorious_eagle @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh

It is rather amusing.... so put it politely... but the good Indians have gone bonkers.... LoveJihad, LandJihad, CoronaJihad, DoronaJihad, LanguageJihad, CutlureJihad.... forgot how many types these good Indians have invented so far...

But I do fear that if the good Indians keep on with such Indianness...then Jihand e Hind might become actual reality... kinda Self Fulfilling Prophecy....

Why cann't these people realise what they are doing is actually Asking for Gazwa e Hind by the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan themselves....

Where is Oh I See ...to help address such issues.... never mind!

Paa Jee: In a way, these narratives of Hindutvadis reflect their gross sense of impotence and consequent frustration. These people have the pathological psychology of a rapist, who is incidentally coward as well as sexually impotent. Imagine the gravity of the ensuing frustration.

You are too obsessed with indians these days...
Not good for mental health buddy...
Tiresome... Depressing... Not worthy of attention

I always consider it very entertaining.:lol:
Hindus broke their gun arm when they destroyed the underworld in Mumbai.

Those targeted killings, encounter specialists and the Mumbai riots is what actually broke the back of near equal Muslim power in India.

Gujarat would not have happened with a functioning Muslim underworld.

That was also Pakistan's last throw of the dice.

Dawood in Karachi is a liability.

Dawood in Mumbai was an asset.

There is much truth to what you have said. But Muslims in India will always be a reality. As far as I can tell, their situation will worsen before it gets better, if it ever does.

But I have hope, and these fascists will never last forever.
There is much truth to what you have said. But Muslims in India will always be a reality. As far as I can tell, their situation will worsen before it gets better, if it ever does.

But I have hope, and these fascists will never last forever.

I am almost certain that this hardcore extreme Hindutvadi tide would die it's own death; because it is not sustainable. Only worry is that at what cost?
There is much truth to what you have said. But Muslims in India will always be a reality. As far as I can tell, their situation will worsen before it gets better, if it ever does.

But I have hope, and these fascists will never last forever.

We are all hoping for the same.

200 million impoverished segregated Indians in a near apartheid type situation does nothing for the country.

It holds everyone to ransom.

If it dawns on the community slowly but surely that the way to get out of this is education and money then that will be a start.

Economic reinforcement is going to be a powerful tool in the years ahead.
I am almost certain that this hardcore extreme Hindutvadi tide would die it's own death; because it is not sustainable. Only worry is that at what cost?

A cost of a lot of blood, and not just Muslim blood.

Fascism always needs to be fed, and it will feed on the vulnerable. Now it is the Muslims, tomorrow it will be someone else.

We are all hoping for the same.

200 million impoverished segregated Indians in a near apartheid type situation does nothing for the country.

It holds everyone to ransom.

If it dawns on the community slowly but surely that the way to get out of this is education and money then that will be a start.

Economic reinforcement is going to be a powerful tool in the years ahead.

That reality has been among the Muslims ever since 1992. I have noted it myself. Previous to that, Muslim had little interest in education, and that was primarily because of the socialist economy of India, where an education only guaranteed you a govt job, and nothing else.

I do not meet any Muslim in India today who does not believe that education is the road to success, and this has been the norm since the last 20 years. Factors that are beyond the scope of this discussion hold them behind, but the intent is there.
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