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Featured US announces it has imported oil from Iran for first time since 1991

As said, the quantity in question here is truly small, and US companies probably bought these without the knowledge of the Iranian government through third party brokers anyway.

So why would US authorities come out with such a report at this particular point in time? Here's a realistic answer: to give reformist candidates at Iran's upcoming presidential election a boost. By suggesting, through news items such as these, that the Biden administration is willing to lift sanctions, they want to assist the reformists in Iran who would like to explore ways to normalize ties with the US, as opposed to principlist and revolutionary forces in Iran, who oppose any such notion of a normalization.
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As said, the quantity in question here - 30.000 barrels bought over three decades, is truly insignificant, and US companies probably bought these without the knowledge of the Iranian government through third party brokers anyway.

So why would US authorities come out with such a report at this particular point in time? Here's a realistic answer: to give reformist candidates at Iran's upcoming presidential election a boost. By suggesting, through news items such as these, that the Biden administration is willing to lift sanctions, they want to help the reformists in Iran who would like to explore ways to normalize ties with the US, as opposed to principlist and revolutionary forces in Iran, who oppose any such notion of a normalization.

Will a South Korea like situation be created to compensate for the 1.16 million barrel oil delivery?
As said, the quantity in question here - 30.000 barrels bought over three decades, is truly insignificant, and US companies probably bought these without the knowledge of the Iranian government through third party brokers anyway.

So why would US authorities come out with such a report at this particular point in time? Here's a realistic answer: to give reformist candidates at Iran's upcoming presidential election a boost. By suggesting, through news items such as these, that the Biden administration is willing to lift sanctions, they want to help the reformists in Iran who would like to explore ways to normalize ties with the US, as opposed to principlist and revolutionary forces in Iran, who oppose any such notion of a normalization.

I suspect proxy trading just like it happened in Syria.

What do you think?
Bringing Islam into something like that is not appropriate. What Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did, was always known in public domain. We are here talking about the hidden business

I have seen no indication that it was hidden. The US has openly stated it. As for Iran, I haven't seen their official records. Have you?

even if it was a penny an year dealing. That means, still dealing with Evil USA. We are here talking about the hidden business

The point is, this does not imply that the enmity between the US and Iran is unreal or faked. You don't kill each other's generals nor bomb each other's military hangars when you have no serious antagonism. That's the point I wanted to bring across (if you agree with it, then there's nothing to discuss).

The way US put sanctions on Iranian entities, means anything that is attached or related to Iran, is sanctioned. Your justification of broker etc is so lame.

The fact that oil business mostly runs through brokers means that Iranian authorities might not have known. Unless you can show us that US companies or even the government in Washington directly dealt with the government of Iran, it is still a possibility, and even a probable one. That the US would make exceptions to its own sanctions regulations (Washington also granted third parties waivers on Iran sanctions) is without bearing here.

That means, if a broker uses Iranian wealth to Bomb Palestinians; is not wrong?

It certainly would be wrong. But you could not blame it on Iran.

Keeping the public away from the dealing, was the question. Using Netherland VPN is also wrong like hiding your location and real flag is not allowed because of transparency.

I checked it with WebMaster when I registered here. I told him that if I am not allowed to use a VPN, then I would prefer my account to stay locked and not participate. But he chose to unlock my account and allow me to post.

Since it was done by Iranians, so it doesn't matter. A penny or worth Million $, the dealing is still called dealing.

And even if this was the case (we have seen no evidence to this effect) - bilateral trade between Iran and the US is minimal, given how it stands at less than 50 million USD a year (or less than 500 million USD if we assume the reported oil purchases weren't counted). By no means can one conclude that the deep political enmity between the two countries is an unreal hoax to fool the masses. Even the US and the USSR conducted some low level trade, but that didn't mean the animosity was fake, or that Americans or Soviets were being taken for a ride. That's all I'm trying to say. I don't think that's such an unfair point to make.
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As said, the quantity in question here - 30.000 barrels bought over three decades, is truly insignificant, and US companies probably bought these without the knowledge of the Iranian government through third party brokers anyway.

So why would US authorities come out with such a report at this particular point in time? Here's a realistic answer: to give reformist candidates at Iran's upcoming presidential election a boost. By suggesting, through news items such as these, that the Biden administration is willing to lift sanctions, they want to help the reformists in Iran who would like to explore ways to normalize ties with the US, as opposed to principlist and revolutionary forces in Iran, who oppose any such notion of a normalization.
I will take this news seriously. Tbh, it shows that there are some self-willed double crossers in the country who do not care about state policy at all and operate their filthy business with the lights Off.

Or maybe what you said was true and the American companies buying the oil were not aware of the main source.

Our friend @The Eagle is point scoring, he is trying to put us in line with Sauds and other Persian Gulf states. Just compare the volume of our trade with USA, it is Laughable to say the least but he accuses the whole country of hypocrisy. That's not the way someone looks for Truth but point scoring at the very least.

Btw, this is not a serious amount of trade but we have to Take it seriously. Possibly USA has been trying to financially support some 5th column elements with this next to zero trade. If we ignore the fact that American private companies were buying thsi oil without knowing the main source of petroleum then my theory will come true about 5th column elements.
The point is, this does not imply that the enmity between the US and Iran is unreal or faked. You don't kill each other's generals nor bomb each other's military hangars when you have no serious issues between each other. That's the point I was insisting upon.

But it also proves that all of those slogans & threats are merely to keep their public in blind spot. US already killed Sulemani and you don't see that serious enough to put sanctions or deny any dealing. I think, I am arguing with wrong person or merely wasting my time. Make sure, you are looking at every aspect before making your point, at-least.
The fact that oil business mostly runs through brokers means that Iranian authorities might not have known. Unless you can show us that US companies or even the government in Washington directly dealt with the government of Iran, it is still a possibility, and even a probable one. That the US would make exceptions to its own sanctions regulations (Washington also granted third parties waivers on Iran sanctions) is without bearing here.

Iranian that doesn't know a broker is selling to US yet claims that they know everything about others or pretend that they have a lot of information about the enemies. The point being made, Regime shouldn't make tall claims.
I checked it with WebMaster when I registered here. I told him that if I am not allowed to use a VPN, then I would prefer my account not stay locked and not participate. But he chose to unlock my account and allow me to post.

Choose correct location flag and use of Proxy is not allowed. Your IP is conflicting with many users like Multiple IDs so the action will be taken. No one is allowed to use Proxy for False Flag due to nature of transparency into location of members. Your call.
Our friend @The Eagle is point scoring, he is trying to put us in line with Sauds and other Persian Gulf states. Just compare the volume of our trade with USA, it is Laughable to say the least but he accuses the whole country of hypocrisy. That's not the way someone looks for Truth but point scoring at the very least.

No dude. I don't need to score some points that too like that. KSA does it openly while Iran is here seen doing so behind closed door. No matter how much values the same, it is still a business and worth money. In my opinion, whether Arab rulers or Iranian; they lied to people for their own good & rulership.
Biden shuts down the Keystone pipeline, making the US more dependent on foreign oil. Biden buys oil from Iran, which will probably use it to fund Hamas, who, in turn, will use those funds to attack Israel. At the same time, the US will give arms to Israel to be used against Hamas.

I never thought I would say this: Trump, for whatever his faults, provided more clarity on US Middle East policy than Biden.
No dude. I don't need to score some points that too like that. KSA does it openly while Iran is here seen doing so behind closed door.
Bro take it easy. 300 barrel every year is just Laughable. Yes KSA openly does that and doesn't give a hoot about the evanglical crusading forces as Bush himself pointed to it.

No matter how much values the same, it is still a business and worth money. In my opinion, whether Arab rulers or Iranian; they lied to people for their own good & rulership.
Yes some of our rulers are Pure hypocrites such as reformists and other liberals. They have had close Contacts with CIA elements but it doesn't represents Iranian state policy and also its leadership. I hope you don't suppose this Laughable amount of trade at state level. There are private companies selling Iranian made carpets and dates to USA, the point is, they are nof doing it on behalf of Iranian government.
Good luck
But it also proves that all of those slogans & threats are merely to keep their public in blind spot. US already killed Sulemani and you don't see that serious enough to put sanctions or deny any dealing. I think, I am arguing with wrong person or merely wasting my time. Make sure, you are looking at every aspect before making your point, at-least.

Not sure I follow here. If you agree that there is serious enmity between Iran and the US, then I have nothing much to add.

Insofar as there is serious enmity, slogans are a consequence thereof and reflect a certain reality. They serve to mobilize the people against the enemy, more than to obfuscate minimal trade dealings with the latter.

Iranian that doesn't know a broker is selling to US yet claims that they know everything about others or pretend that they have a lot of information about the enemies. The point being made, Regime shouldn't make tall claims.

I concur that no government can claim to have unlimited access to information. If Iranians said they know literally everything about others, then they're wrong.

Choose correct location flag and use of Proxy is not allowed. Your IP is conflicting with many users like Multiple IDs so the action will be taken. No one is allowed to use Proxy for False Flag due to nature of transparency into location of members. Your call.

My location flag is correct but I prefer my IP to be kept private, sir.

As said, I discussed it with WebMaster when I first registered here. He authorized me to use the VPN. If you wish to overrule him or to invite him to revise his decision, that's another matter.
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Bro take it easy. 300 barrel every year is just Laughable. Yes KSA openly does that and doesn't give a hoot about the evanglical crusading forces as Bush himself pointed to it.

Lest not blame KSA alone. For me, both parties does their respective business but uses religious card in the end as well.

My location flag is correct but I prefer my IP to be kept private, sir.

As said, I discussed it with WebMaster when I first registered here. He authorized me to use the VPN. If you wish to overrule him or to invite him to revise his decision, that's another matter.

Report the GHQ Section and create a thread informing about my decision against your use of Proxy & VPN. I will wait for a while and then I will take appropriate action. There's no overrule thing but Rule of Forum.
this supposed "news" sorely lacks in details..

is this the US counting the venezuelan oil it stole as "imported Iranian crude"?

Or it could be importing Iranian oil to feed the afghan forces as well... The US military actually commonly buys things from Iran that would be hard to source from any other place.... these are basic things ranging from water/sanitary products to even anti-snake venom.

This Iranian trade is probably 1/ 100000 th of the trade the US does with pakistan to keep its army supplied.
Yes some of our rulers are Pure hypocrites such as reformists and other liberals. They have had close Contacts with CIA elements but it doesn't represents Iranian state policy and also its leadership. I hope you don't suppose this Laughable amount of trade at state level. There are private companies selling Iranian made carpets and dates to USA, the point is, they are nof doing it on behalf of Iranian government.
Good luck

IF the flow of Information is kept in dark, don't you think which group is ruling Iran and who has the authority at the moment to share or not? I don't know any grouping in Iran but everyone is well aware that the one who rules, has the access to information and so the authority to keep it secret for any reason. I don't think that 2 barrels a month, as many try to prove, were supposedly for testing Crude Quality of Iran.
Not sure I follow here. If you agree that there is serious enmity between Iran and the US, then I have nothing much to add.

The serious enmity means you keep a close eye on everything, every information and every shipment or even a bird that flies to or from your enemy land. Point being made, how come Iran remain blind if a broker was supposedly selling to US. The same Iranian oil to the same enemy. Now, did you get the point that it is naïve to say that Iran didn't know at all.

It should have been Iranian side to expose US if this news is fake or an attempt to help support for opposition to win election in Iran. I don't know.
Very disrespectful post.

I didn't abuse the Iranian leadership as of yet. I didn't call them Kafir as of yet. I didn't call them Dajjal's assistants as of yet. I didn't abuse anyone related to Iranian leadership then how come it disrespectful. Just because I had my argument based upon a news item which isn't denied by Iranian leadership. Or do you mean, Iranian leadership cannot be criticized at all?
Despite the severe sanctions imposed on Iran's energy sector by the White House, the US nonetheless imported a substantial batch of crude from the Islamic Republic for the first time in 30 years, its Department of Energy reports.

The department did not provide information on how the Iranian imports showed up on its log, despite current US restrictions banning any nation from purchasing oil from Iran.

The US reportedly imported an estimated 36,000 barrels per day in October 2020, according to data tracked by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). In March, the import volumes of Iranian crude reportedly totaled 33,000 barrels per day.

That marks the first delivery of Iranian crude to the US since 1991, when the country was shipping up to 64,000 barrels per day.

However, the US energy department recorded another delivery of Iranian crude in 2020. In August, Washington confiscated 1.16 million barrels of Iranian-sourced oil aboard four tankers that were allegedly transporting the fuel to Venezuela.

The US has imposed sanctions against Iran since 1984, banning all arms sales and American aid to the nation. A new round of penalties against Tehran was introduced later, shortly after former US President Donald Trump initiated a withdrawal from the JCPOA nuclear deal signed under the Obama administration.

Trump’s decisions reflected the US' campaign of ‘maximum pressure’ against the Islamic Republic, measures aimed at forcing it to give up its nuclear ambitions.

The latest steps taken by the current US administration, with a view to easing tensions between the parties, reportedly may lead to a complete or a partial lifting of anti-Iran sanctions, and Washington and Tehran are currently in talks.

Disgusting. Absolutely filthy behaviour by USA. So poor countries crippled and drowning in debts like Pakistan who are starved of energy can't import gas/oil which lies just next door but USA can do when it suits it.

Proof that power is the only right in the world.

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