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WHO chief 'believes Covid DID leak from Wuhan lab' after a 'catastrophic accident' in 2019

Where does it say that..other than in your head.

No it mentions the usual words of China
"We cover up, throw up walls, make excuses, and actively point the finger of blame on everybody but ourselves"

The World Health Organization obviously is very suspicious of all the lies and trickery during their China Wuhan visit. Can't 100% prove anything...but it is not pointing the finger at the US.
wow, you act like you don't know about such a famous speech?
wow, you act like you don't know about such a famous speech?

LOL! What does this have to do with Covid...and what exactly is the job of spy agencies? To gently ask their adversaries to hand over secret military capabilities instead of well..spying...which usually entails deception as he describes.
If it is a leak then China should be liable for the mass deaths and compensation that comes with it.
Forgot to mention it’s also the American government that funded the research in that lab. They’re liable to pay compensation as well.
Very weak defense. Those diseases did not originate from their biolabs. If that is the case with COVID, then it is not farfetched for China to take blame and be liable for damages.
I think you Brits should be first held accountable and pay retribution and compensation for waging wars on China to force opium trade, for intoxicating and drugging Chinese population for century, and plundering and looting Chinese wealth and treasures in large quantities. The retribution and compensation of these heinous crimes against the Chinese people and nation are long overdue.
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LOL! What does this have to do with Covid...and what exactly is the job of spy agencies? To gently ask their adversaries to hand over secret military capabilities instead of well..spying...which usually entails deception as he describes.
It shows that you Americans always lie and you are proud of it, the whole nation does it starting from the very top. So, the American and Western reporting of matters esp relating to its enemies China and Russia are not to be trusted usually, just BS all the time.

The WHO has just refuted the fake info of WHO chief on Wuhan Lab leaks from British reporting, see the quotes and article below:

"The report you mentioned is entirely false and the Director-General completely refutes the story in the article," he responded, saying the WHO has confirmed Dr Tedros' alleged comments were never made in public or private.

"The World Health Organisation told Yahoo News Australia Dr Tedros "completely refutes" the Mail on Sunday story."

On the other hand, British media claim that research confirms that the new coronavirus was made by a US company and there are other evidences of US conducting coronavirus study in US linked Ukraine labs:

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LOL! What does this have to do with Covid...and what exactly is the job of spy agencies? To gently ask their adversaries to hand over secret military capabilities instead of well..spying...which usually entails deception as he describes.
WOW, you mean a blatantly claiming that we lie, we cheated, and we stole guy suddenly became a honest and honest gentleman on the COVID issue?
What a magical logic, are you drunk?
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LOL! What does this have to do with Covid...and what exactly is the job of spy agencies? To gently ask their adversaries to hand over secret military capabilities instead of well..spying...which usually entails deception as he describes.
honestly that is a lame lemon excuses made by you...stop insulting the intelligence of CIA
honestly that is a lame lemon excuses made by you...stop insulting the intelligence of CIA

LOL! How is posting a Pompeo video in every PDF thread not a completely abused lame lemon excuse.

Somebody trips on a curb in China..post the Pompeo video...somebody got shortchanged by a streetvendor...roll out the Pompeo video.

It shows that you Americans always lie and you are proud of it,

How are you suddenly interpolating a CIA speech into "Americans always lie and you are proud of it".

Initially China denied there were any Uighurs being rounded up. Then they adjusted it to some are going to "voluntary job training classes". Then it was "we have some dangerous people that need to be un-terrorized.

Well I guess that is proof that China always lies and they are proud of it.

Don't you think that is stretching things a bit?
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LOL! How is posting a Pompeo video in every PDF thread not a completely abused lame lemon excuse.

Somebody trips on a curb in China..post the Pompeo video...somebody got shortchanged by a streetvendor...roll out the Pompeo video.

How are you suddenly interpolating a CIA speech into "Americans always lie and you are proud of it".

Initially China denied there were any Uighurs being rounded up. Then they adjusted it to some are going to "voluntary job training classes". Then it was "we have some dangerous people that need to be un-terrorized.

Well I guess that is proof that China always lies and they are proud of it.

Don't you think that is stretching things a bit?
Yeah, You Americans always lie from the top, from presidents to secretaries of state to NASA chief, from fabricating fake story of North Vietnam navy open fired on US navy in South China sea to wage a war on North Vietnam, to blatantly lie about Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to wage a war on Iraq, and to blatantly lie that China is committing genocides on Uyghers to pit Muslims against China in order to destroy China. You name it, many more, and your nation is build on lies, cheats and steals as Pompeo said and you people are proud of it !
Yeah, You Americans always lie from the top, f

Again why are people dragging Pompeo into a thread from European media about Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus telling some Europeans that he suspects a Wuhan Lab leak??

This is why I said if somebody trips on the sidewalk in China people for some reason will start posting the Pompeo video saying it is relevant.

The Chinese are the kings of misdirection and earnestly trying to tie irrelevant things together. Like saying the NASA chief said China stole tech to land on Mars.
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Again why are people dragging Pompeo into a thread about Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus telling some Europeans that he suspects a Wuhan Lab leak??

This is why I said if somebody trips on the sidewalk in China people for some reason will start posting the Pompeo video saying it is relevant.

The Chinese are the kings of misdirection.
Becos Pompeo's saying epitomizes what America is, so you want people to forget what he has said and what US has done all the time ? Did you read my article I posted, the WHO has refuted British reporting of fake news of WHO chief disclosing his opinion about Wuhan Lab leaks to Europeans ?
Becos Pompeo's saying epitomizes what America is, so you want people to forget what he has said and what US has done all the time ? Did you read my article I posted, the WHO has refuted British reporting of fake news of WHO chief disclosing his opinion about Wuhan Lab leaks to Europeans ?

Again WTF does the US have to do with this topic?

Even if something was refuted by the WHO what does this have to do with the US? If anything it is US media (Yahoo) calling into question UK media (Globe and Mail).

Are you saying US media is less influenced by the US Government than UK media???
Again WTF does the US have to do with this topic?

Even if something was refuted by the WHO what does this have to do with the US? If anything it is US media calling into question UK media. Are you saying US media is less influenced by the US Government than UK media???
Becos you were bitching about China all the time, people are just using Pompeo as an example to say that you Americans' words are not trustworthy usually.
Becos you were bitching about China all the time, people are just using Pompeo as an example to say that you Americans' words are not trustworthy usually.

Again you guys are the kings of misdirection. This article has nothing to do with the US. Shouldn't you be blaming UK media which was pointed out by US media as being wrong?

Even with that you still have figured out how to blame the US and not the UK.
Again you guys are the kings of misdirection. This article has nothing to do with the US. Shouldn't you be blaming UK media which was pointed out by US media as being wrong?

Even with that you still have figured out how to blame the US and not the UK.
Becos the guys learnt not to trust what you posting I think.

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